Social Video Production

We help brands create compelling social video adverts
that engage audiences, inspire action, and make an impact.

Trusted by top companies


Create social videos
that pack a punch

If you want your business to grow, win new customers, or even change the world, you’re in the right place.

Venture is a full-service video production agency for ambitious marketers and brands. We create social video campaigns that not only connect with your audience, but inspire action too.

We help our clients to fully leverage the incredible opportunities that social video advertising now offers on channels such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn — whether that be through custom content creation, influencer marketing or paid partnerships with media brands.

manifesto thumbnail

Agency Manifesto

Learn more about Venture

Why Venture?

3 Reasons to choose us



We engage and inspire your audience with clear and simple storytelling and a touch of creative flair.



We make your message go further with custom designed versions of your promotional video for social media and international markets.



Save time & stress with Venture’s full service end to end promotional video production process. We do all the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to!


Hillarys Blinds

Launching a new product line

Raising brand awareness for jobs website

Award Winning

Kroon Casino

Inside scope on Black Jack basic strategy

Box | Sign

Launching a new e-signature product


Getting girls into higher education

Regional Foster Families

Recruiting foster parents

Award Winning

MyBookie | App

Video advertising campaign


Launching a beauty and wellness collection

Load more projects  

An award-winning video production company

Award Logo 1

A Platinum Hermes award for Regional Foster Families

Award Logo 2

A Gold Hermes award for

Award Logo 3

A Platinum Hermes award for Europa Showfreight

Award Logo 4

A Gold Hermes award for BDO

Award Logo 5

A Platinum Hermes award for Ateme

The video production process

Getting started with social videos

Over the last 18 years we've developed a fully managed end to end video production process
that not only delivers amazing results, it also makes us exceptionally easy to work with.


Book a call

It all starts with a chat. As a strategic partner, we'll learn all about you, your business, your product offering, your target customer, your marketing priorities and your immediate video needs.


Creative presentation

We'll present our ideas to your team, taking you on a journey through our creative vision for your project. Here's where you'll see initial concepts for how your video might look, sound and feel.


Meet the team

You'll be assigned a team of specialist video producers and crew that will be dedicated to making your project a success. Our global network includes teams in the UK, Europe and the US.


Project kick-off

Time for your onboarding session! We'll walk you through our production process and the proposed schedule, before outlining the next steps.


What are the benefits of video for social media?

Social media in general has changed the way we connect with each other and continues to shape our behaviours, including purchase behaviour. So much so, that we are far more willing to buy from brands after a positive experience on social.

Consumers use it to discover new brands (43%), purchase products or services (36%), and recommend brands to family and friends (33%). So a good social media strategy, and decent content, can make a massive difference. And right now, to do well on social, you need to think about video. 

If you’ve logged in to any social media platform recently, you might have noticed video content is all you see.

That's because video content typically performs best with most algorithms, based on the fact it captures a viewer’s attention for longer. And this explains why videos on Instagram generate more engagement than any other content type.

People are more likely to follow a brand's social media page if it has video. It's also the most popular type of content on social media, outperforming text and images by 1200%, with more shares than the two combined.

Why do videos do better on social media?

Think about what grabs your attention when you’re scrolling on Facebook. Is it a text-based status with a link? Or is it the endless array of colourful videos at the top of your algorithm?

Video masterfully captures a viewer's attention for longer through sound, movement, and text. This helps businesses pack what they need to say into minutes, if not seconds, and allows viewers to process the message you're promoting, the personality of your brand, and even your organisation's values much quicker. 

Because of this, videos are not only more memorable, but they also get much more exposure on social media.  


Why should I work with a video production agency?

A professional video production agency will have all the skills and expertise you need to make your video a smooth-sailing success.

From strategising, scripting, storyboarding, animation, casting, filming, editing, and making sure your video gets seen by the right people through marketing, it's the full package. 

What does a video production agency need from me?

To begin producing your video, we'll need you to be clear about your objectives and who your audience is.

We have a saying at Venture that we’re not just about making videos that just look good. We create videos that gain real results because they're driven by real insights. 

But don't worry, if you've not done that strategic thinking yet, we can help you look at your objectives, goals and audience and support you on this journey.

We manage projects where clients have had no video experience, all the way through to those very familiar with the medium and what’s involved.

Download our handy video brief template to start thinking about what you're trying to achieve.

How much does a video cost to get made?

How much you'll spend is dependent on the skills needed, the type of production and the time involved to create it, but the investment for video production typically starts from £10,000. Request a quote and we can have a chat about what's possible with your budget.

What makes a great social media video?

1. They start with a strategy

Successful social media videos always start with a strategy. What's your objective? Is it to increase signups to a webinar? To launch a new product or service? To gain new followers? And most importantly, who are you targeting? Where do they hang out online? What social platforms do they use? This will help you create the essential foundations of your video. 

2. They keep it short

You'll also want to keep your videos bite-sized and easy-to-consume. Be sure to make the first few seconds really stand out to capture your audience's attention. After all, the average human's attention span is about 8 seconds these days. 

3. They use subtitles

Subtitles are also a must. Not just for accessibility, but for those who choose to silently scroll their social feeds. 

4. They tell a story

It's not enough to capture the attention of your audience, you also need to keep it long enough for them to take action.

Your video needs to look and sound great, but also tell a story to keep them glued to your content. Create a story that will truly resonate with your audience and make them feel something, because we always remember the most about how something makes us feel.

5. They give a strong call-to-action

Don't make your audience think too hard about what to do next. Circle back to the objectives of your campaign plan and encourage them to act on what you're promoting. 

6. They optimise for different channels

While it's more convenient for you to post the same content across channels, to get the most out of your video content, you need to optimise your videos for each platform's specific requirements.

TikTok and Instagram reels need to be in vertical format, for example. And TikTok videos must seamlessly integrate into the feed and not look like advertisements. 

So you'll need the correct dimensions, video limit, and other specs to ensure your social media video has the best chance of performing on each platform.


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